Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Camping at Locust Cove Gap

You wanna talk about rough. That first 6-7 miles was a straight up soul crusher. Eh. The day started before that. 

The rain started at 0600. I lay in my bunk staring at it for a long time, waiting for it to stop. Eventually I had to get up, of course. I planned on doing about 16 miles to Browns Fork shelter. Debated about an omelet at the restaurant, but just ate summer sausage and cheddar instead. Figured it would lighten my pack for my upcoming ordeal. For the first time in my life somebody identified me as being from Kentucky by my accent, after 34 years and not physically living in KY for the last nine. Guy named Spaghetti. He was hiking with a buddy named Motor. They went to get a pizza and I started up the trail. 

It was rough. Very steep. There was literally a huge hole where the trail was supposed to be, due to a massive old dead tree falling over and taking up the ground with its roots. Another section I wasn't sure was the trail at first, as it was just a jumble of rocks. The trail continued on past, though. And so much mist. Everything was white or gray fog. And it was all uphill. At the Nantahala Gorge Overlook, I went ahead and checked it out, and stumbled across One Day. She gave me cheese. I like her. I'd seen her name in the shelter logs, but first I've met her. She is an elaborate camp cook. Just now she made some sort of pasta with green peppers and sausage that she sautéed and then mixed with the pasta and some coconut and I'm sure other secret ingredients. I had peanut butter. Which was awesome. Back to narrative. 

Walked with One Day the last couple of miles to the Sassafras Gap shelter, where Bismark and Hopper were. Bismark went to UK, and so did his daughter (not on the trail). His wife Hopper is a U of L fan, though, but I guess that's okay. We talked UK basketball for almost an hour, while I cooked some food to fuel the rest of the day. Was sort of running out of daylight, but needed to push farther if I wanted to get to Fontana tomorrow night. Bismark suggested Locust Cove, where he'd camped before. He said Survivorman was camping there. Several other people stopped in, including Queen, Columbus, Dinosaur, and Facts. Facts recites random facts. It's about what it sounds like. Everyone was talking about moving on when I left. 

The next four miles were pretty nice, really. The campsite was also as nice as advertised, but with some additions. A lot  of additions, actually, as a group of Morehead State students are down here doing a trip for their spring break. More Kentuckians! They were very nice, making room for all the hikers who trailed in after me, which was the afore mentioned list plus Spaghetti and Motor. Dinosaur showed me the dinosaur that gave her her name, and told me I should carry around a small My Little Pony. I told her it would have to be black. Much more talking was done, and currently a lot of snoring is going on. Hope I don't sound like that. No signal tonight, will post tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Do not despair! God is with you, strengthening you with every step and every good deed. He refreshes the soul.
