Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Yesterday and today.

Yesterday was a pretty short but great day. Walking was easy, weather was great, and I had Uncle Johnny's Hostel ahead of me. Shower and laundry. Reasonably clean clothes are such a morale boost. There was a passel of us staying the night here, and we got the free shuttle to town for dinner and resupply. Funsize, Laughs-a-lot, Sun Bear, Wrongleg, Joules, Canary, Haiku, Copperhead, and Ramble... Probably someone I'm missing, but can't think of who. We all went to a Mexican place for dinner, and it was delicious. Then on to Walmart (Wrongleg's first experience, as he is British). 

The next morning, most people left. I wanted to, but my legs needed the break, so I decided to zero here today. I intended to read all day and eat ridiculous amounts of food. Didn't happen. I'm sitting on the porch, and everyone is taking off, and this guy is sitting there who I don't recognize. He says "Anyone taking a zero today?"  I raise my hand and say "This guy." So he says "Want to go rafting? It's free, just a fun trip." I look around, and reply "I literally have no reason to turn this down." So I went rafting on the Nolichucky today. Best trail magic ever? I think so. 

So the guy, who we will refer to as Riverman here, was former 82nd. Also a pilot, also a paramedic, and also a river guide for 20 years. Craziest thing was that he was buddies with an old buddy of mine from college. The first guy to take me rafting, in fact. Definite candidate for Most Interesting Person of the trip, so far. And he wasn't alone. Everyone on the trip was awesome. It was mostly river guides, with a couple of local boaters. If I screw up any terminology, I trust people will forgive me. There was a completeIy different vocabulary going on. 

I was the only inexperienced person on the trip. One guy, who I'm going to call Dread Pirate Roberts (cause he has dreads), gave me his contact info and offered his place for a shower and place to hang, which I may take him up on, dependent upon my needs at the time. 

I definitely ended up in the water. Like, almost immediately. "Jaws" was the rapid, I think they called it. Class IV (probably a II but they wanted me to feel better), but awesome. Lost my shades, but that's how it goes. I will have to pick up a cheap pair somewhere. The trip was amazing. Not only great rapids, but then beautiful scenery.  More specifically, beautiful scenery I didn't have to climb a mountain to see. 

The guides all worked for USA Raft, and I will tell you those guys were awesome. Their whole setup there was top-notch. Not only were these guys super cool (they loaded old tires from the riverbank onto their raft and carried them out!) but the establishment itself was an extremely classy joint. The current owners bought the place a few years ago, and have taken pains to make USA Raft a premier destination. I think they've succeeded. The place and people were great. If you have any interest in rafting, look those guys up. 

I really want to go on longer about how awesome today was, but I'm crashing fast. I need to sleep since I'm going to actually hike tomorrow. Today was just an all around wonderful day. 

Me on the Nolichucky. Not long after being IN the Nolichucky. 

Yeah, it was pretty. 

Riverman not long after he dragged my heavy butt out of the river. 

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