Thursday, April 17, 2014

I would walk 500 miles.

And I did. Five hundred miles today. Long way. Unfortunately not far enough to find cell phone coverage to call and wish my beautiful wife and revered father Happy Birthday! Sorry I didn't get to talk to you. 

Woke up to a freezing morning. Almost nobody wanted to get out of bed. I say almost because Raven got a seriously early start. At the shelter last night was him, myself, Survivorman, Journeyman, and two other thru-hikers who I just met, Tog and Wikipedia. Two groups of section hikers, a group of six twenty-somethings from New York, a trio of retired people, and one guy who I'm pretty sure was homeless who said he was walking home to Maine. He was carrying a school bag and one of those soft coolers. Hope he makes it. I gave him some food. 

Survivorman also beat me out of the shelter, but that was it. I didn't leave until it was 11. Don't judge me. It was ridiculously cold and I didn't want to wear socks on my hands again. 

Today was Grayson Highlands. I've been here several times, and this place is always spectacular. Beautiful place. Moderate terrain, a little rocky. And wild ponies. Always fun. I was mauled by one, I'll try to post the video. 

Helped some ridge runners do some trail maintenance. Removed firepits. Well, I only helped with one. I actually hiked away when they started working, but thought about it and came back. They're good people. 

Also ran into Beandip and her mother, who is going to hike with her the next month. They cheered me up, as I am unhappy with how cold it is. The three of us are at the Old Orchard shelter tonight. It's supposed to get really cold. Tragic. I really want to be warm again. 

Just before Grayson. 

Fat Mans Squeeze, a tunnel the AT runs through. 

The stars of Grayson, the ponies. 

Just before being mauled. 


  1. Ahhhh! Ponies! Are they your long lost cousins, Midnight Sparkle?!?!

  2. I agree with her: Ahhhh! Ponies! ;) They are so fluffy and adorable in their winter coats!!! :D
