Thursday, May 29, 2014

Enjoying the ride.

Finished the Rollercoaster today. Really wasn't that bad, except for the rocky sections. The rocks were not fun. 

I was pretty sure it was gonna be a good day, since I saw a bear about two miles into my hike today. Pretty happy I hung my bear bag. I always have that debate with myself, "ahh, it'll be fine." So far reason has won out and the bag gets raised. I left my little campsite a little after 7, which is actually a little late when I camp by myself. 

Shybear caught up with me at the first shelter, where we ate breakfast. We walked together for a while, before he took off in a blaze of speed. I decided today was going to be enjoyable, so I meandered my way down the Trail to the Bear's Den, an ATC owned hostel. I had originally planned on staying there last night, before the late start out of Front Royal Hostel ruined my schedule. 

The place is pretty cool. They claim it looks like a castle, but I don't know. I mean, the influence is there. It is a cool building, and the care-taker has a pretty sweet gig. The hostel part is actually great, but I'd only walked 6 miles or so at that point, and I couldn't just stop. I did hang out a while, drank 3 cokes plus carried one down the trail, ate a pint of B&J ice cream, and had a shower. One guy, a section hiker named Fuji, offered to pay for my stay there if I wanted to stay. I appreciated the offer, but I had miles to cover. 

Not too many, though. I found a place with pretty good reception and called my wife. Talked with her a while. Crossed into WV. And I hit the 1000 mile mark. No big deal. Just 1000 miles. I had that third coke to celebrate. Walked a few more miles, and I'm staying at the Blackburn Trail Center. Nice place. Ran by the PATC, free for hikers. Sometimes the care-takers give out refreshments, and apparently they have a Catan set here. I think I got here too late for any of that. I just moseyed along today, for about 14-15 miles total. I think 14-16 mile days are the best ones. Fairly relaxed. Wish I had the time to do those the whole way out. Harpers Ferry tomorrow. 

The Bear's Den

Awwww yeah. Someone just got a new profile photo. 

The local Raven's Rock. I think there's one of these on every town. 

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