Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July

It was still raining this morning. Sigh. Cold and rainy. It's always hard to start when the weather is like that. My bed was warm, and more importantly dry. I knew my clothes wouldn't be dry because of the humidity, and I was dreading putting on wet clothes. But I eventually forced myself to do so, and hit the trail a little before 0730. 

Kind of sorta had to make some miles. Twenty-one, because we had reservations at the Green Mountain House. I had no idea how I was gonna get there from the trailhead, but I figured something would work out. 

One Ten and Tipsy had reservations there also. Gear took off pretty early, and then they did. I caught up with the two of them fairly quick, and talked with them a while. They're pretty hardcore section hikers, backpacking almost every weekend. I think they told me 40 weekends last year were backpacking. They're much more hardcore than I am. Twenty-one miles a day as a section-hiker? Straight beasting. 

It was another good hiking day, except there was no sun. Mist and fog. Of course today I saw the view that was the inspiration for the Appalachian Trail. Like McAfee's Knob, just mist and fog. C'est la vie. 

Ran into HTK again, and he suggested I check out Prospect Rock, which I'd planned on skipping, particularly with how depressing the Benton Mackaye spot had been. So I walked down to it, and ran into a group of four day hikers from NY. 

Normally, when I come across a group of people, one or two sort of act like the spokesperson for the group. The others usually let them take the lead. Not this group. They were all invested in the conversation, and were all four exceptionally interesting. I was in interesting people overload. My head was bouncing around trying to engage them all. I wondered if that's what living in NYC is like. I could have spent an hour talking to any one of them, but time is always limited. 

I made it to the trail head with plenty of time, and ran into One Ten and Tipsy there. They had passed me while I was taking a break at one of the shelters, and One Ten told me "You're really hiking your own hike!"  I took it as a compliment. They had their car, and were gracious enough to allow me to ride with them to the Green Mountain House. I was thoroughly impressed with how far and how quickly they went today, especially considering how nasty and wet it was. 

The Green Mountain House is awesome. A lovely two story house that is just that, a house. The owner maintains it as a hostel, but it's a really lovely home. He also had all the free Cokes you could want, breakfast supplies (cereal and milk!), and a free pint of Ben and Jerry's. For one of the least expensive rates I've seen on the trail. Definitely good value, and I've been told that he doesn't make any profit, which I believe. 

Gear, One Ten, Tipsy, and Squatch were there. Squatch is the guy making documentaries about the AT, and he interviewed me and Gear for a while. He's fun to hang out with. 

It was the Fourth of July, of course. Gear had some sparklers, but I kind of thought it would be too depressing to light them so I ordered Greek food instead. It was okay. Should have got the pizza, though the salad was good. 

So, being Independence Day and all, I figure I'll appeal to your patriotism. The Hike for Heroes program has a worthwhile objective. I don't get anything from these guys or from the money raised, so I have no reason to blow smoke. I don't even get a t-shirt. So, you know, if you value freedom and all that, it would be pretty cool if you helped out those guys still maintaining it. 'Merica. 

The view that inspired Benton Mackaye to create the Appalachian Trail. I would have gone home. 

HTK at the tower 

Pretty ponds in Vermont. 

Me at Prospect Rock. 

Interesting New Yorkers. 

Tipsy and One Ten. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Midnight Sparkle...

    It was me (Tipsy) that said you were HYOH, and I absolutely meant it as a compliment. That was a tough day for us, too, with the mud and the rain, and we were so glad to get to Green Mountain House and get cleaned up. We really enjoyed meeting you and GearedUp and HTK, and everyone else at Story Spring and Green Mountain House. You guys are tough! 110 and I will be returning next weekend to hike to Rutland and will finish Vermont over a couple more trips. We'll be interested to follow your blog to see what we're in for! Safe journey...

    Tipsy & 110
