Nothing particularly memorable about the morning. Buttercup caught up with me eventually, and we decided to hit up a grill that was .4 off the trail. We got there fifteen minutes before they opened, so we sat down to wait. There was an outlet, so we charged our phones. They never did open, so we made lunch from our packs and ate at their picnic tables. Probably wasted at least an hour there.
On the way back to the trail, however, we came across an automotive repair place with a vending machine. We both got a Coke. They also allowed us to fill our water bottles from their office water cooler. Good people.
Getting back on the trail, we hiked at a good clip until Buttercup cut off her sentence with a little gasp. Snapping turtle. Pretty decent sized one. Sitting right on the trail. She'd never seen one before, and was delighted about it. She thought it looked prehistoric.
A little while after the turtle adventure, we came across another obstacle. This time a lake, in the middle of the trail. I'm chivalrous, so I let Buttercup go first. The water ended up being mid-thigh on me, and cold. But no snapping turtles in the water, so we were happy.
The day sort of dragged though. We talked to a lot of people, and just generally took it easy, which was great, but led to some night hiking. Long day, especially following the previous days miles. Lot of ups and downs, also. Got into the Shaker Campsite just before midnight. When I opened the bear box, I was shocked that it was nearly full. Definitely expected the site to be empty, but it is summer. Long day.
The stare down.
Left him alone. Scary.
The fording. She's almost through, I'm in the deep spot.
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