Thursday, May 29, 2014

Harpers Ferry

Pretty awesome town. Reminds me of European towns, actually. I'd like to come back sometime with Mrs. Sparkle. The ATC headquarters is here, and they call this place the "spiritual midpoint" of the Trail. Took a lot of photos, but mostly on my actual camera, which I'm not technologically savvy enough to upload from. 

Got my ATC picture taken, joined the ATC, sent some postcards, and signed in. I was hiker 209, which sort of depressed me since I started as 134. On the other hand, a lot of section hikers had signed in as well, so maybe I didn't drop that far. I suppose it doesn't really matter in either case. 

Got a milkshake immediately, but of course they messed up the order. I wanted a coffee and peanut butter one. I tried to order this once before, in Waynesboro, but was talked out of it. I'm convinced it will be delicious. When they called my order out, it was a chocolate and peanut butter. Sigh. Someday the glory that is peanut butter and coffee will happen. 

Hung out with Spirit Crusher, Bean Dip, the Machine, Princess, and Rocketman. Sadly Ranger had already departed. He finished his section up at Harpers Ferry. He will be missed.

One of the more amusing things I've seen is Princess deciding she needed a haircut. We were eating at the B&B that they were all staying at, in an isolated little nook on the back patio. She wanted her haircut right then. She is so exuberant. Somehow she convinced Bean Dip to do it. At the restaraunt. Princess provided the scissors, apparently having carried them the whole way. Bean Dip was quite nervous and tentative about it, but Princess was incredibly buoyant about it. After a few minutes, though, Spirit Crusher took the scissors from Bean Dip. She had also never cut hair before, but she was a little more confident about. The two of them did a surprisingly good job. Her hair looked great. Glad I didn't have to be the one cleaning that up. They also picked up my food, since there was an error and they put it on their bill. I offered to pay but I was waved off. 

I ended up staying in the hostel in town, a little pricey but very nice. The Teahorse Hostel. A bunch of cyclists and section hikers were staying there, a really good group. I talked with them well past the point where I should have gone to bed, about thru-hiking. One lady was planning on hiking the Trail next year. She was very well informed, and seems to have a good attitude. I expect she will do well. 

The Shenandoah. 

Traditional ATC photo. 

Jefferson Rock

The Haircut. Turned out surprisingly well. 


  1. I'll be following you from now on Midnight. Keep on hiking. It was a pleasure spending time with you at the Museum.


  2. If you don't get the peanut coffee shake by the time you are done I'll make one for you. Hope all is well see you soon

  3. Hello. I know this is a bit off the timeline but wanted to contact you. We met yesterday evening, in PA, at the Rt. 501 crossing. My community group prepared a meal for you and your fellow hikers. We talked about my son. Anyway, I do have pictures and would like to send them to you. I also wanted to let you know that I/we are praying for you and your journey(s). There's a lot more I'd like to say, but this probably isn't the place. If you desire, you may contact me at Thanks and may God bless you!

  4. Bridge #1 was there at least 3 years ago. I couldn't believe the AT actually crossed it. Bridge #2 (Swatara) was cool. The same company built the Bear Mountain Bridge in NY.
