Got a reasonably early start, 0730. Finished the last of my water up, but there were a lot of streams coming up. I stopped at the first one, where I filled up several bottles so I wouldn't have to stop frequently. Apparently there was a cooler of trail magic around there, but I never saw it.
Bugs were horrible today. Always are on humid days when it may rain, but also may not. Incredibly infuriating. I smacked myself in the face so many times. Ugh. Not pleasant. I have an insect repellent Buff coming in the mail, apparently. It can not get here soon enough.
Stopped at the first shelter I came to, Rausch shelter. Had lunch there and generally just hung out, giving my feet a break. I was still planning on doing 30 miles at that point, and I didn't want to break my feet. Leaving the shelter I ran into Fiver. If I keep my mileage up it could be the last time I run into her, which is somewhat sad since she's very funny.
A few deer, and I think it was my first flock (?) of turkeys on the trail. Can't remember if I saw some others before or not. Pretty much it for the day. A couple of guys just getting off work gave me a bag of ice and a cold water, and HTK left me a Coke where he'd parked his car. Apparently the campsite a few miles back you can order pizza from. I'd pushed on though, until the rain hit right as I came upon a good campsite. So here I am, 9 short of what I wanted but dry. I'll take that.
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