Monday, June 9, 2014

June 5

Not the most auspicious of starts this morning. It rained all night and into the morning, and while my tent didn't leak, the rain splattered mud all over it. So I had to pack up a wet muddy tent. Yuck. Then I noticed I'd left my bandanna/towel outside in the rain. Also, I noticed this morning that my backpack is breaking again, in the same place as last time. Customer service was awesome, though, and replacement piece has already been mailed. C'est la vie. 

Today was pretty dull I guess. Seemed like a lot of walking today, though I only did a little over twenty miles. Lot of rocks. Lots. Apparently they get worse on next few days. The descent down into Port Clinton was probably the single steepest section of trail I've come across. If it wasn't dry, I don't think I'd have even attempted walking down it. I'd have sat down and scooted the whole way down. But it was dry, so I managed to make both knees hurt instead. Yay. 

There is a free camping place in town for hikers, which is where I am now. I came really close to getting a room from the hotel, but I think I've been doing that a little much. Probably would have if I could have found someone to split it with me. Man it would be nice to take a shower and do laundry, though. Sigh. Filthy for another few days, I guess. 

Oh yeah, and hit 1200 miles today. 

1 comment:

  1. We left Eagle's Nest Shelter north of Port Clinton in a down-pour and had to descend those steps very wet. I thought one of us would for sure break a leg on the steep stone steps at the bottom. Did you visit the Peanut Shop?
