Thursday, May 22, 2014

Homemade-ish milkshakes.

Another day in the luxury of the Shenandoahs. Seriously worried this place is going to spoil me. 

Caught up with the Mainiacs! Ran into Mama Bear, Halfmoon, Wrongleg, and Rambo at Lowes Gap Wayside. Hadn't seen them since Winding Stairs Gap, a hundred years ago. What was really cool was that Papa Mainiac was also there, as he was visiting. Hadn't seen him since the first week. I like those guys. 

Finally got my milkshake in the Shenandoahs. Sort of. I went in to order it, and of course their machine was broken. I was crestfallen, but I remembered something Ranger had told me, so I bought a pint of B&Js and some chocolate milk, got a cup from the wayside, and mixed them together. Turned out pretty awesome. Cookie dough ice cream. Had to eat the dough with a spoon. A highlight of the trip, right there. 

Was going to walk a couple more miles, but was invited to stay with the Mainiacs who were going into town to a hotel. I figured I could make up an extra two miles the next day, so I went with them. We watched Captain America 2 at a tiny theater in Luray. It was entertaining, if a bit silly. Tomorrow will be my last day in the Shenandoahs. Oh, also saw two more bears today. Numbers 4 and 5. Some rangers told me the eyes I saw that one night were probably deer, so I'm not counting them. 

Breakfast spot. 

Wrongleg. It's funny 'cuz he's British. 

Best shot I could get. 

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