Thursday, May 1, 2014

The 700 Club

Much better day. Spent nearly the entire day by myself. The Machine and Survivorman were gone by the time I woke up. Scott (section hiker) was prepping his stuff also. I got my stuff ready while everyone else was waking up. Several people were going to the store right down the road, so I rode with them, had an overpriced BLT, and then they dropped me off at the trailhead. 

Really misty today. Fog covered everything. But no rain, and that was a blessing considering the forecast claimed today would be much worse than the last two. Hiked up on McAfee's Knob, the rock ledge that juts out and is the most photographed landmark on the AT. I had signal there, so I hung out for a good hour hoping someone would come by to take my picture. No joy. The timer on my camera was only for 10 seconds, so I almost killed myself sprinting across the cliffs to get in the picture. Turned out okay, I guess. Can't upload them until I get to a computer. 

Beautiful views around Tinker Cliffs, the fog spread itself thin enough for almost a half an hour of lovely scenery. That was one of my favorite sections of the AT so far. 

In the shelter tonight is The Machine, Survivorman, Scott, Resistance, and me. I guess no one else headed out today. It was a good day of hiking, and it's nice having only a few good people around. 

That's my backpack on McAfees Knob with the fog. 

Pretty sweet rock house. 

Me in the dense fog. 

The Campbell Shelter. 


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