Today was Jacob's Ladder. That was an extremely tough piece of trail. Very steep for quite a while, there was some spirited debate later about whether that was worse than the climb from the NOC. Much later, since Jacob's Ladder didn't leave anyone with spirit to discuss with.
It turned out to be a lovely day, with the sun finally peaking out in the early afternoon. Pretty decent walking, once past the Ladder. Lot of steep downhills. I spent way too much time socializing today. Particularly at the last shelter, where everyone I had met past couple of days was at. Spaghetti and Motor pushed on, but I waited a while. We were the only three going farther that day. Anyway, got to the Fontana Dam crossing right after dark, using my headlamp. There was a heated bathroom with electrical outlets there, and I honestly debated sleeping in there for half an hour. Finally decided against it, and hiked a little more than a mile to the shelter. Where I am currently getting ready to pass out. Fresh Ground is here, and he's going to cook breakfast. I have to resupply tomorrow. The only food I have is a pack of Ramen and a packet of kimchi, both of which I got out of a hiker box at the NOC. I'm not even sure what kimchi is. Hope it's all right.
I'm sure I'm leaving out some amusing or boring stories, but I got to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be busy also. So will next few days, since I'm trying to get to Newfound Gap by Friday. Also, I'll hit two hundred miles in next day or two. I'll post about it, if I ever get signal again. Good night!