I sort of lolly-gagged this morning. The hostel was warm, and outside was cold. Listened to Rocket tell some more stories. Finally got out of there at almost 0930. Snow everywhere. If not snow, then mud. Ran into Pint-sized this morning. She'd taken a few days off the trail, and was just getting started. Walked with her a while.
On Snowbird Mountain had a little trouble. Snow pretty much covered the whole trail most of the day, so we pretty much just followed the beaten path. The beaten path was wrong, however. It did meet up with the AT, but after missing about several hundred meters worth. Pint-sized went on, but I backtracked the AT so I wouldn't miss any of the trail. I was the only one to do so all day, apparently, since there were no tracks in the snow. Bunch of blue-blazers. Wonder if they even noticed? When I got to where the paths diverged, I drew several arrows in the snow pointing the correct direction. And then rehiked it. At the next shelter I stopped for lunch, and saw Survivorman in passing. I ate with three people I hadn't met before, and the only one whose name I remember is Wiffle. He was carrying a wiffle ball bat. Don't ask, I don't know. All three of them missed my arrows and walked the wrong way. Walk Worthy came in then, but I almost didn't recognize him because he had cut his hair. He'd spent the day before at his house, sitting out the weather. He followed my arrows, so I felt vindicated.
Got back on the trail, and the conditions didn't improve. The snow would be in knee high drifts. Glad I wasn't the one out there breaking trail. Still was a pain following. But all the suffering was worth Max Patch Bald. Spectacular. There are beautiful 360 degree views. Had the entire mountain all to myself. I'm going back sometime when it's warmer and bringing Mrs. Sparkle. We'll have a picnic. I took a lot of pictures. God made a beautiful place there.
Leaving Max Patch, started following the beaten path again, and again I had to backtrack. You'd think there's a moral there or something. Anyway, got to the shelter late, a little before dark. About fifteen miles. I'd already decided if it was full I was gonna hike on. So I did. I think some people wanted to squeeze me in the shelter, but others weren't too keen on it. I considered hiking on to the next shelter, but stopped a mile short at a campsite. I just wanted to spend the night alone with God. Did nineteen miles today. Feeling good, so I think I will go into Hot a Springs tomorrow, God willing.
"And, I took the road less traveled, and that made all the difference." Maybe not verbatim, but you catch my drift! Wonderful to hear from you again! Continuing to pray! Blessings, Momma Sparkle