Thursday, March 6, 2014

Deep Gap

I was the first one out this morning. Flex was the only one poking her head out of her tent when I took off. My pack felt incredibly light this morning. In fact, it felt so light that after 100 meters I turned back and rechecked my camping area to see if I'd left anything. I hadn't. Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last.  

I felt very strong for the first half of the day, and was just cruising. It was ridiculously cold, though, and my water kept freezing (even in my insulated camelbak tube). The wind was what was really bad, though. I saw one 6-7 foot long branch fall in front of me, so after that I kept glancing up when the wind was strong. It was so cold. Kept hearing weird noises, and eventually realized it was from branches rubbing together. Also saw a deer. First wildlife besides squirrels and woodpeckers. 

I burned out after the first 7 miles though. I kept thinking "If I'd only walked a few more miles last night..." The last several were just cold. I had some honey Flex had given me because it was heavy, so every time I came to a hill I took a shot of honey to boost my spirits (and energy). And to reduce the weight. The kids all passed me eventually, of course. When I got to the Deep Gap turnoff, it was .3 miles down to the shelter, and I considered pushing the last 3.6 to Dicks Creek to try and catch a ride to the Blueberry Hostel, but I was out of water so I decided to go down to the shelter anyway. Figured I'd be the only one there, but ran into Lumberjack by the stream. Him, PA, and Flex were staying here, also. We built a fire and ate dinner. I was getting worried about Hard-to-kill Phil, but 3x5, the Vietnam vet, showed up and he had seen him. He eventually showed up and was fine. Later on, 4 fingers showed up with a funny story. He stopped for lunch at the last shelter. After he started walking again, he ran into two hikers, who asked him "are you a southbound hiker?" At which point he realized he had been walking the wrong way for the past mile. Going to bed early, so I can catch that ride in the morning. Really hope it warms up. It's been sleeting. 
Freezing at Deep Gap


  1. Stay warm!! You don't want to get sick during this journey. :)
    Your blog entries are the highlight of the's been a long winter.
    Love you - Aunt Marty

  2. I love sharing your travel experience with my husband and friends.... Journey on..... my prayers are with you.... Laura
