But we did, so back to the trail we go. At the trailhead met another hiker, Hikermonkey. Also ran into PG14 and Mr. Jingles. Played leapfrog with the two of them all day. Trail was pretty good. A little overgrown for my taste, but not too bad. Very muggy though.
The skies were threatening Gear and I all afternoon, and when we were about a mile or two from the shelter we were planning on staying, they opened up. Gear put his poncho on, but mine had sprung a leak and was pretty much useless, so I just got drenched. Waded through a river for that last section.
When we got to the shelter, I was saddened to see a bunch of people inside. I like my tent, but I much prefer to stay in a shelter when it's raining. Most of the people inside, however, were actually tenting. Some were just hanging out and cooking in the shelter. Three Long Trail hikers were there, plus PG 14 (who was hammocking) and Mr. Jingles, who, along with two section hikers, was staying in the shelter. The section hikers were One Ten and Tipsy.
The shelter leaked, and was crowded because the LT hikers left all their gear in the shelter despite tenting. The shelter was called Story Spring Shelter, and PG14 said that the spring it was named for was the roof. I thought it was funny.
The Greens look awesome. I can't wait to see the transition back to fir/spruce summits. Something similar happened to us years ago at a shelter in the Smokies. We had a permit for the shelter, but the rain forced others to crowd in. The roof leaked and we got the only spots left...under the leaks. Good post.